DEBATE: The Church and the Modern University: Who's the Real Enemy of Science? - Robert Sungenis vs David Pence (2 Mp3's)
From the rehabilitation of Galileo to the "recognition of evolution as more than an hypothesis," the Church has actively sought to demonstrate that it's dogmas and institutions are not hostile to science. Despite these concessions to current, popular opinion, the Catholic Church's contributions to science are either ridiculed or ignored. Is there any truth to the claim that the Church is now or has ever been an enemy of science? What should be the Church's response to such claims, true or otherwise? Should She attempt to harmonize her traditional opinions regarding science with the modern theories or should She continue to defend less popular theories of human origins and cosmology? Come and hear two Catholic men of science debate the authentic Catholic approach to counter these pernicious lies. Dr. David Pence, AOTM regular, will debate Dr. Robert Sungenis over the scientific merits of several contentions topics, including evolution and Galileo's theories regarding planetary motion. Dust off your high school science text, grab your astrolabe and come learn the truth.